Story Sale

I received some good news last week from The Gloaming Magazine. They're buying my story "Reverie" which has survived nine rejections over the past ten months. This tale was originally part of a much longer work I finished last year, but I decided it was two distinct stories to be submitted as such. Glad I separated them at the hip!

Of the nine prior rejections, I received six form letters and three personals. The best one came from Redstone Science Fiction editor Michael Ray, who said "Reverie" was "an interesting take on control and resistance." The most scathing came from MindFlights who said, among other things, "This felt hugely clichéd. Nothing new." Shimmer's E. Catherine Tobler said, "I liked the overall idea, but the story doesn't cover quite enough new ground for us."

This was my first attempt at writing a story in second person with a pervasive hive mind element—no dialogue punctuated as such + shared interior monologue. It was a challenge, and I started wondering if any market would accept it. So I'm very pleased "Reverie" has finally found a good home at The Gloaming Magazine, and I look forward to sharing the link when it’s available.

In other news, Trapeze published "Bluetooth". (This is the tweet-sized tale that evolved into "Grandpa's Bluetooth," appearing in the next issue of Liquid Imagination.) I've also had some haiku published at Seven by Twenty, and Three Line Poetry published another one. I've also had three scifaiku accepted this week by Microcosms to appear in early July. Yahoo!

As far as Write1Sub1 goes, I'm still managing to stay on track with 21 new stories written and submitted in 21 weeks. To everyone joining me on this quest: "Yes, we can."
All Content © 2009 - 2023 Milo James Fowler