"Leap Day" @ Port Iris Magazine
Wow. This has been a red-letter week!
After a delay or two and a handful of rewrites, my story "Leap Day" greets the world today in Port Iris Magazine. Thanks to Editor Casey Seda, this story is stronger than the version I originally submitted last fall: it's tighter, more consistent, and the ending is much better than before. While repeat revisions are never a whole lot of fun, this diamond in the rough definitely benefitted from the process. It's the first time I've experienced an editor interested in every detail of my story, which forced me to make it the best it could be. Sandwiched between two pro-selling writers in Port Iris Issue #4, I'm obviously in good company and can only hope their good luck will rub off on me!
In other news, Editor Camille Gooderham Campbell from Every Day Fiction notified me today that my story "Captain Quasar and the 'If Only' Elixir of Opsanus Tau Prime" (which placed 3rd in last week's Preditors and Editors Readers' Poll, thanks to your votes!) will be included in The Best of Every Day Fiction, a print anthology. That's right: PRINT. Me so happy.