"Tomorrow's Dawn" @ Daily Science Fiction

They say you never see the one that kills you. But they might have been referring to weapons fire in an open battlefield, not a plasma charge on a crowded lunar tube.

He sits facing me, and the way he's looking me right in the eye, I have a feeling this will be the end. With the close proximity, I'll see his green hand reach for it, concealed beneath his double-breasted, razor-sharp pressed suit.

These aliens and their penchant for outdated human fashions.

You can read the rest of it here, if you're so inclined. This is my first pro-paying sale to the SFWA-qualifying Daily Science Fiction, and to say I am beyond stoked would be an understatement. Back in July, I blogged about how this story was based on real-life events, and in the email sent out to DSF subscribers along with my story, the editors had this to say:

"As many have noted, Science Fiction is often more about our current reality than "realistic" fiction can ever hope to be. This story, in particular, fits that mold."   —Michele and Jonathan

I am honored to have this tale appear at Daily Science Fiction, and I hope to place another submission with them as soon as possible.

"Tomorrow's Dawn" was my Write1Sub1 for Week#21, which begs the question: Would I ever have submitted this story to DSF if it wasn't for W1S1? Probably not.

W1S1 has forced me to write a new story every week, stories about characters I've never "met" before, if you know what I mean. Sure, I've written more than a few about Mercer the soul smuggler, Captain Quasar's misadventures, and Coyote Cal and Big Yap; but I've also explored new worlds that warrant further discovery.
All Content © 2009 - 2023 Milo James Fowler