The next issue of Kzine is undergoing final edits, and this week I received a copy to look over for any errors. This is the first time I've been given a Kindle file to proof instead of a PDF, and I'm glad I had my trusty friend Gizmo to lend a helping screen!
Chizine: "I like the dark science fiction and farm setting here."
Andromeda Spaceways: "Well-written, but maybe a bit on the gruesome side. Nice horror story."
Ideomancer: "I enjoyed the juxtaposition of futuristic technology with the more rustic life of Aurora and her father's farm."
But in the end, it was Kzine who snatched it up, and I'm so glad they did. This makes 21 of my 28 pre-Write1Sub1 stories now accepted for publication. The other 7 are still making the rounds, and I keep polishing them a little before sending them out again. Persistence pays off, as I should know well enough by now.
As far as my W1S1 2011 stories go, "A Monster By Any Other Name" (my Week #37 tale) was accepted Friday by Liquid Imagination, so I'm 21 for 52 from last year. And so far this year, my W1S1 monthly stats are 1 for 3, with my February story, "Captain Quasar and the Fastest Thumbs on Zeta Colony Four," going to Ray Gun Revival. I'll be sure to post the links as soon as they become available.
But for now, you're welcome to peruse the "Bibliography" page linked above this post. There's bound to be something you'll like.