Three years ago, when I started my blog, I didn't have a single publishing credit to my name, much less a web (webbed?) footprint. At the time, I was writing and querying my novels with agents, and I'd just started submitting short stories for publication. I'd heard blogging was a good way for writers to network and build their audience, but I didn't really know what to expect.
Fast forward to today: I'm so thankful I took that first step into the blogosphere, and with each year that passes, I know I'm here to stay. The connections I've made with YOU and other writers have been priceless. It's because of blogging that I found out about the markets I've submitted my work to, and I can't even begin to describe the encouragement I've received from your candid posts about triumphs and trials along the way. One thing's been obvious from the start: we're all in this together.
Thanks to the connections I've made via the Interwebs, Write1Sub1 came into being; and I may be just a little biased, but I think our team is one of the best around. We're gearing up for our third year in Ray Bradbury's shadow, starting January 1, and I can't wait to see what the new year has in store for us. (It's never too late to join, by the way!)
Thank you for reading and for sharing in this writer's journey. I wouldn't want to do it without you.