4 More Years?
Hard to believe this month marks the 4th anniversary of my blog.
When I wrote my first post, I didn't have a single publishing credit to my name, but I set out to blog regularly about my writing, submitting, rejections, and (fingers crossed) acceptances. A couple weeks later, I blogged about seeing Ray Bradbury speak at a local library -- an evening I'll never forget.
A month or so after that, I sold my first story and wrote about patience as I waited for it to be published. In January 2010, I blogged about my very first publishing credit. Then in the fall of that same year, I announced the inception of Write1Sub1 -- a challenge that has powerfully impacted my writing life.
It feels like time-traveling to read those old posts and see how I've evolved as a writer/blogger over the years. It took about 6 months to establish an audience and make connections online, and all the while, I was writing, revising, subbing, and re-subbing my work. Not a whole lot has changed, I guess!
Will this blog still be around 4 years from now? I sure hope so. I've got a whole bunch of good news in the pipeline I can't wait to share. Such as...
Last week, I signed a contract with Musa Publishing for my novella Yakuza Territory, and it will be out next year. A sequel to Immaterial Evidence, it's more Die Hard / Assault on Precinct 13, less Blade Runner / Maltese Falcon -- but the future noir elements are definitely still there.
Of course, this blog wouldn't be nearly as much fun without readers like YOU. Thanks for joining me on this journey, for subscribing, for commenting, for retweeting and liking, for all the encouragement and support. You seriously rock.