2015: Just the Highlights
- "Soulless in His Sight" appearing in Wastelands 2 alongside post-apocalyptic stories by Orson Scott Card, Hugh Howey, Paolo Bacigalupi, and others. It's a privilege to be anywhere near their shadows.
- The release of Captain Bartholomew Quasar and the Space-Time Displacement Conundrum by Every Day Novels and then independently after EDN folded. I learned so much in the process, and I was able to send Nana Fowler a copy of the paperback. She doesn't like science fiction, but she likes Captain Quasar!
- The release of Beyond: Space Opera, the first anthology I've ever put together. It may be small, but it's mighty in the ways of the SciFi. Honored that my fellow authors trusted me with their work, and that it has seen so many downloads.
- Selling 13 short stories to various publications and having more than 30 reprints accepted; seeing 17 tales appear in print anthologies and online publications this year.
- Writing close to 100,000 words in the future-noir world of Charlie Madison, private eye: Doppelgänger's Curse, Death Duel, Chimera Effect, and Up in Smoke.
- Sharing behind-the-scenes news and free downloads with my ever-growing band of loyal subscribers. You guys seriously rock.
- Most importantly, spending less time online and more time with my favorite person on the planet. She means the world to me.
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
May God bless us, every one.