Summer Writing Plans
As per usual, I've got a few plates in the air this summer, writing-wise. Now that the school year is over (my 19th as a teacher, and holy tipping cow was it a doozy), I can focus on various projects in between catching up on my reading, mountain biking, surfing, traveling, and binge-watching.
May's StoryADay challenge went well, and now my wife and I each have 31 tales to polish up and start submitting to publishers. We'll probably work on a few while we're unplugged (no WiFi, no TV) at our lake retreat in the backwoods of Maine: Camp Fowler. It'll be tough to tear ourselves away from all the swimming and kayaking and staring at the beauty of God's creation, but we should be able to carve out some time for story revisions.
My novel The Gifted Ones, sequel to The Suprahuman Secret, needs one last round of edits before it'll be ready for publication. The cover art is just about done (stay tuned for a sneak peek), but I still need to write the blurb. While summarizing has never been my forte, I know it'll be easier once I've gone through the manuscript one more time.
I've also got a Captain Quasar novella in the works that may turn out to be a novel, not to mention a new idea that came to me in a very Kafkaesque/Lovecraftian dream. So, plenty to keep me busy, and believe it or not, I'm still enjoying this journey to become the best writer I can be. One step at a time, ever forward.