Editing Update
The first half of 2021 has flown the coop, and on the writing front, it's been all about those edits. First up was Madame Antic's Hotel Grotesque. While the plot's fresh in my mind, I figured it would be a good idea to edit the sequel, and I'm about halfway through Underground (working title). So far, so good.
At the same time, I received word that Amazon is trying something new for them: serialized fiction. Kindle Vella should be available to readers within the next month or two, and if nothing else, it's motivating me to polish up Dust Freaks & Demigods, the novel I drafted at the end of last year. I'm posting one chapter at a time, and this week I'm working on #10. It'll be interesting to see how Vella works out and how popular it is, but I'm always up for trying a different avenue to expand my audience.
Whenever I need a break from editing, I've been sprucing up the cover art on my backlist. Thanks to Pixabay and Canva, the new graphics are turning out pretty well and haven't cost me a thing. You're welcome to check them out at your favorite online bookstore: Amazon, Apple, Audible, Barnes & Noble, Kobo. If all goes according to plan, I might attract a few new readers who do judge books by their covers.