Hello, Hoopla
So this is pretty cool: a bunch of my books are now available at your local library! As long as your library has partnered with Hoopla to make a wide variety of digital content available (eBooks, audiobooks, videos, music—all kinds of good stuff), you'll be able to read my novels, novellas, and short stories for FREE on the device of your choice.
Publishing wide through Draft2Digital has its benefits, and this is definitely one of them. For a while, though, there's been an alert on my D2D dashboard warning "Long Processing Times" with Hoopla. I started to wonder if my books would ever make it through. But there they are, at long last.
If your library doesn't happen to offer digital content via Hoopla, kindly advise them to get their act together. Then all you'll need is your library card number to create a user account, and you can start enjoying some free stuff. Aren't libraries cool? Don't delay; check it out today.