A Third of the Way
Last month ended up being fairly productive on the AGROTHARN front, and I managed to draft an average of two chapters a day. So now I'm a little over a third of the way through the sequel, and if I can write two to three chapters every day this month, I should have it finished by August 1. Considering the momentum I'm riding at the moment, that seems like an achievable goal.
I don't usually think of my novels in terms of acts, but if this book were to have three acts, I'd be well into the second act at this point. That feels about right, since the characters and conflict have been established, and now the protagonists have to figure out what the heck they're going to do about it all—while I make their lives more and more difficult along the way.
And to keep things interesting, I'm using the same random story cubes for each chapter that I did in the first book. For example, I had to use the words sword, spoon, ship, and direction in Chapter 35 of Book 1, and today I'll have to somehow use the same four words in Chapter 35 of Book 2. Good thing one of the characters is a crazy T-Rex who speaks nonsense half the time.