2020 in Review

It's been a weird year, best left in the rearview mirror. But despite all the craziness, I managed to set a goal for myself and stick to it: four novels drafted in twelve months. Only one of them is fit to print; the others are going to need a few rounds of revisions once I'm able to concentrate again. For the first time in thirty-odd years of writing, I found it difficult to focus. But I'm glad I kept at it, forcing myself to string words together even when I didn't feel inspired. I accomplished something I've never attempted before, and I got an inkling of what it's like to be a full-time writer. It's work, more perspiration than inspiration at times. But even a page of something is better than a headful of ideas, and the best writing often shows up during the rewriting — which is what I have planned for most of next year. For now, though, here's a look back at 2020:

Novels Written: 4
Captain Quasar & the Phaze Worlds Dilemma — 80K
Underground (Working Title) — 60K
Aeroship (Working Title) — 60K
Demigod (Working Title) — 70K

Book Deal Signed: 1
Captain Quasar & the Phaze-Worlds Dilemma — Aethon Books

Novel on Submission: 1

Books Published: 5

Audiobooks Produced: 4
After the Sky
The Gifted Ones

Audiobook in Production: 1
Those Who Wait

Blog Posts: 19
All Content © 2009 - 2023 Milo James Fowler